



I'm looking at getting an MVC book for christmas but i wanted to make sure that there isn't a book on MVC 2 just around the corner, as i can wait :)


+1  A: 

There is a book 2 in production. Whenever there is a framework coming out or a new program etc there is always a book in the pipeline. :)

The question I think you want to answer is not "do I get a book on MVC 2" but "which book is the best for me right now given my level of skill in mvc 1"?

The other thing is if you can wait for an mvc 2 book then why would you need to buy a book now anyway? It sounds as though your skill level is pretty good and you are looking to fill the gaps between 1 and 2.

In your case I think I'd wait for 2 to be formally released, get in quick with the new features via the web and wait the 2 or so months for the book to be released.

+4  A: 

I'm not sure it would matter much. Although it would be great to learn some of the MVC 2 features right away, you would benefit most from learning the basic structure and flow of a typical MVC application and how implements it. Any of the recommended MVC 1 books are going to give you a great base to start, and with that knowledge it will be very easy to check out blog posts, tutorials, etc to plug in the new MVC 2 features.

With that being said I would highly recommend Steve Sanderson's Book "Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework." Along with learning the MVC framework he has a great introduction to Test Driven Development which is one of the main selling points for MVC. Great book.


some great suggestions guys and i think i am going to wait, TBH i could probably get by without the book as it is well documented, but its nice to have as a reference.

+4  A: 

From Dino Esposito blog :

My next book is just on ASP.NET MVC (February 2010) and will target version 2. Like many other books of mine it won't be an how-to book. And I'm taking architecture and design very seriously as I explain controllers, views and models. Stay tuned. And plan your design training :) Contact me... ha ha ha Smile.

EDIT: The book is out!

Black Horus