I know, that questions regarding books have been asked before. What I'm after is what books are "must haves" on your bookshelf?
You know, those books that, if you don't have a copy, it makes you feel uncomfortable. They keep vanishing because people keep, er, "borrowing" them.
I read Ed Yourdon's The Decline and Fall of The American Programmer and while the book was fairly interesting, his Appendix on what he has on his bookshelf, and why, is quite a revelation. Several of the books on his list are not directly concerned with coding but in the appendix he goes on to explain why they are on his list, e.g. Robert Pirsig's book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
This idea also comes from Peter Coffee's Agile 06 keynote address where he relates his choice of books back to the Agile Manifesto (mp3).
Here are my must haves:
- Thriving on Chaos (1st ed.) Tom Peters
- Systemantics: How things work and how they fail (1st ed.) - John Gall
- The Psychology of Computing Programming - Gerald Weinberg
- K & R C
What are your must haves?