



Any one have an ideas how to present a website content very impressive? Is there any reference that guides me?

Eg: I am designing online marketing website. I need to design step by step approach for the clients who visits our site. The contents taking too long to view, I have to simplify, but everything is important? I need some basic presentation skills for designing websites.

+1  A: 

If what you're looking for is making impessive designs and web page layouts, you'll need some kind of a designer. Altho, you can start by looking at CssZenGarden, it's pretty impressive presentation of what CSS Styles can do.

Even if it's to CSS what a Perl Golf is to Perl :)

Edit: From what you specified in your edit, it seems to me what you really need it some usability tweaks. This can't be done without knowing the actual product tho. Main rule, at least for me, is to present all important stuff so it be visible on a glance - and make all others available with as little clicking as possible.

Overloading with information is worse, much worse then lack of it.

Take a look at license terms of any current product, or some software EULAs - how many % of end users read it, you think? If they were 50% shorter, I bet at least 50% more people would read it.

That's what I would have recommended, had you not beaten me to it.
Carl Smotricz

If you have vague or incomplete instructions from your client, start with clean HTML populated with meaningful class attributes. Then create an initial CSS stylesheet with minimal formatting and lots of whitespace.

This is the fastest way to get a version of the presentation in front of the client to solicit further guidance, and the easiest to revise yourself or hand off to a web designer later.

And it gives the client something ready to launch immediately if their budget or schedule changes.


Extending upon:

If you have vague or incomplete instructions from your client, start with clean HTML populated with meaningful class attributes

If you're development minded, can I suggest you look at:

  • Grid frameworks, e.g.
  • CSS / front end frameworks, e.g. YUI (Yahoo User Interface Library), Jquery and Jquery UI

Using these (especially the grids systems) will give you a big head start. I would also recommend looking for inspiration for CSS based designs - Google 'CSS Design Awards'. Smashing Magazine is also a good place to start.

Aaron Newton
+1  A: 

I'd also look at usability heuristics and design principles if you want to gain an idea of how best to present things. They suggest really basic things such as making links look "clickable". It's good to bear these in mind as people often get carried away with being fancy.
