If what you're looking for is making impessive designs and web page layouts, you'll need some kind of a designer. Altho, you can start by looking at CssZenGarden, it's pretty impressive presentation of what CSS Styles can do.
Even if it's to CSS what a Perl Golf is to Perl :)
Edit: From what you specified in your edit, it seems to me what you really need it some usability tweaks. This can't be done without knowing the actual product tho. Main rule, at least for me, is to present all important stuff so it be visible on a glance - and make all others available with as little clicking as possible.
Overloading with information is worse, much worse then lack of it.
Take a look at license terms of any current product, or some software EULAs - how many % of end users read it, you think? If they were 50% shorter, I bet at least 50% more people would read it.