Why does the following segfault, and how can I prevent it?
$str = ' <fieldset> <label for="go-to">Go to: </label> '
. str_repeat(' ', 10000)
. '<input type="submit" value="Go" /> </fieldset> </form>';
</?(?![bisa]\b)(?!em\b)[^>]*> # starting tag, must not be one of several inline tags
(?:[^<]|</?(?:(?:[bisau]|em|strong|sup)\b)[^>]*>)* #allow text and some inline tags
@ix", $str, $matches);
I believe it's causing a .... wait for it .... stack overflow.
The above is a simplified version the pattern that demonstrates the problem. A more complete version:
</?(?![bisa]\b)(?!em\b)[^>]*> # starting tag, must not be one of several inline tags
(?:[^<]|</?(?:(?:[bisau]|em|strong|sup)\b)[^>]*>)* # continue, allow text content and some inline tags
# normal sentence ending
[\?\!\.]+ # valid ending characters -- note elipses allowed
(?<!\b[ap]m\.)(?<!\b[ap]\.m\.)(?<!digg this\!)(?<!Stumble This\!) # disallow some false positives that we don't care about
(?:'|&\#0*34;|'|‘)?\s* # closing single quotes, in the unusual case like "he said: 'go away'".
(?:"|"|&\#0*34;|&\#x0*22;|”|&\#0*8221;|&\#x0*201D;|''|``|\xe2\x80\x9d|&\#0*148;|&\#x0*94;|\x94|\))?\s* # followed by any kind of close-quote char
(?=\<) # should be followed by a tag.
The purpose is to find html blocks that appear to end at what looks like a valid English sentence ending. I have found that this method is very good at telling the difference between 'content' text (like an article body) and 'layout' text (i.e., like navigational elements). Sometimes if there's a vast amount of white space in between tags it blows up, however.