I can run my project through netbeans but after I make a jar file and double click it I get the error cannot find Java runtime environment? I am on Windows.
Make sure you have JRE installed.
Open the console and type java -version
You don't have a file associate created. Right click on the .jar file in Internet Explorer, select Open With, and navigate to your JRE. Select the java.exe executable, and make sure the command-line argument has ' -jar ' present.
The .jar file will be passed as the first argument to the JVM.
You might try, as Chris said, making sure the JRE executable is part of your PATH environment variable. Check out "4. Update the PATH variable (Optional)" from this guide.
It's all about the Manifest - http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/deployment/jar/manifestindex.html
In Netbeans run the project. It will ask you what class to run (you will see a list of all the classes with a "public static void main(String[])" method). Once you do that the next time you build the class netbeans will show you how to run it (with the -jar witch). Now you should be able to double click on it.