


+2  Q: 

C++ Array Sort Me

Stuck on an array sorter. Have to sort numbers from largest to smallest. I'm trying two loops (one nested in the other). Here's the code:

int counter=0; // inner counter
int counter2=0; // outer counter
int sparky[14]; //array set to 14 just to simplify things
int holder; // holds the highest value
int high; //stores the position where it found the value holder

while (counter2 < howmany)
  holder= sparky[counter];
  while (counter <= howmany)
    if (sparky[counter] > holder)
      holder= sparky[counter];
      high= counter; 
   sparky[high]= sparky[counter-1];


data[ 0] = 9
data[ 1] = 8
data[ 2] = 7
data[ 3] = 15
data[ 4] = 14
data[ 5] = 3
data[ 6] = 2
data[ 7] = 1
data[ 8] = 10
data[ 9] = 6
data[10] = 5
data[11] = 4
data[12] = 13
data[13] = 12
data[14] = 11


data[ 0] = 15
data[ 1] = 14
data[ 2] = 13
data[ 3] = 12
data[ 4] = 11
data[ 5] = 11
data[ 6] = 10
data[ 7] = 9
data[ 8] = 8
data[ 9] = 7
data[10] = 6
data[11] = 5
data[12] = 4
data[13] = 3
data[14] = 2

As you can see the 11 appears twice in the "sorted" code. Though even as I type this I'm wondering if the value of "high" has anything to do with it.

+5  A: 

unless it is homework you can try:

std::sort(A, A + N, std::greater<int>());
And if it *is* homework, and the poster plans on turning in an O(N^2) solution, well...
Andy Ross
@Andy, 'homework' and 'data sets that are already mostly sorted in a system that doesn't have a better sort built in' are the two areas where I would actually consider bubble and similarly inefficient sorts.
+5  A: 

First things first:

int sparky[14];

will give you an 14-element array sparky[0..13], not 15 elements as you seem to think.

Secondly, your inner loop isn't quite right. Yours start at index 1 and go through to index 15 whereas, because C array are zero-based, you should be cycling from 0 through to 14.

You can fix that by changing the loop condition to while (counter < howmany) and moving the counter++ to just before the end of the inner loop.

Just to clarify that point, you do actually start the loop at 0 but, because the first thing you do in the loop is counter++ before using sparky[counter], you're processing the elements starting at index 1. And, in the last run of the loop, where counter == howmany (14 as per your other comments here), you increment it to 15 and use that, which is beyond the end of the array.

And, just to clarify that clarification :-), your loop is correct if you have howmany set to 14 (i.e., one less than the number of array elements) since, as you point out in a comment elsewhere, you load up element zero before entering the inner loop. I think you do still need to set high whenever you set holder though. If that's not done, I get two 6's and two 2's in my list and no 3 or 4.

As a side issue to your comment that howmany is set to 14, I would suggest that variable names should echo their intent. You clearly have 15 elements in the array (indexes 0 through 14 inclusive). Don't take that as criticism, I'm just trying to help out.

Thirdly, (and finally, I think), you're not setting high every time you're setting holder - these should be kept in sync for your algorithm to work correctly.

Please let us know whether this is homework. If not, I'll post my solution. If so, you should work it out from the guidelines given in this, and other, answers. You should be aware that, if it is homework and you use a solution posted on a public forum on the internet (such as this one), you will almost certainly be failed for plagiarism. Do not make the mistake of thinking your educators don't check that sort of stuff.

Bottom line, while I'm happy to post my solution, you probably shouldn't use it as classwork. Top marks though for at least giving it a shot first. Most homework seeker seem to come here with nothing more than the specs :-)

Update: Since you posted the following:

Sorry to mention but this is part of an extra credit project for a class.

I guess it's classwork. So, no soup for you :-) Still, the three points above should be enough for you to fix it. If you have specific questions about them, feel free to ask in a comment attached to this answer.

Good luck.

+1 for helping (and for the nice discouragement from using free online solutions).
Chris Lutz

yes it does...

look at where you are using holder = sparky[counter]; and sparky[high] = sparky[counter-1]

if you read your code you will see that when the value is set for the last value, counter-1 and sparky[high] are the same thing. this will happen on all values, but you only notice it on the last one

try adding some Debug code in there to say 'i am moving this value to this place' to show you what you are actually doing... it might help :)


Try this:

int counter=0; // inner counter 
int counter2=0; // outer counter 
int sparky[14] = {14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1}; //array set to 14 just to simplify things 
int holder; // holds the highest value 
int FoundIndex; //stores the position where it found the value holder
int temp; 
bool Found; 
while (counter2 < howmany) 
  holder= sparky[counter];
  Found = false; 
  while (counter <= howmany && !Found) 

        if (sparky[counter] >= holder) 
              holder= sparky[counter]; 
              FoundIndex= counter; 
              Found = true; 
   temp = sparky[FoundIndex]; 
   sparky[FoundIndex]= sparky[counter-1]; 

basically i just fixed up your inner loop and swap. but dont use it if you dont understand it. the mistakes you made were pretty trivial, so i feel comfortable with posting code for you to use... The basic idea is, if you are using this sort of sort (no pun intended) be very carefull where your indexes end up. When dealing with two counters, make sure you keep track of them and give them meaningfull variable names. counter and counter2 are not so good. Try something like outerCounter and innerCounter. Also, high has been changed to FoundIndex.

remember, trace code (code that just outputs the value of a varaible) is extremely valuable in figuring out this sort of problem... just putting in 'cout << counter << endl; showed it was going over the end of the array...

It's not considered good form to give code solutions for homework, especially since they're generally unusable anyway. No downvote this time but you may want to keep it in mind in the future.
fair enuff... i figured that he would figure it out and learn from the code, different forums, different codes of practice. thanks for the heads up.

For SOME reason I can't edit my own code... oh well. But paxdiablo you ARE right. All I had to do was move counter++ towards the end of the nested loop. That fixed my problem. Appreciate the help.

Again, can't edit my own code to show you were right paxdiablo, but you were... darn darn

S'ok, @Ryu. You shouldn't edit the code in the question anyway since that invalidates most of the answers. But I don't think that's *all* you had to do. There were two other points in my answer that you should look at.
@Ryu, the entity that asked the question (user 210193) is not the one that wrote this answer (user 210202) - that's probably why you can't edit it. You should join SO if you plan on asking more questions and contact the powers that be to consolidate your accounts.
@paxdiablo, yep sent a message to the admin to see about that second part. The only thing that I'm sort of going to argue you over is the "your inner loop isn't quite right. Yous start at index 1 and go through to index 15 whereas, because C array are zero-based, you should be cycling from 0 through to 14."I'm reading over my own code and since counter starts at 0, I go from 0 to 14. Forgot to mention that howmany=14. Soon as I get this whole registration taken care of I will edit.
@Ryu, you run your loop starting at zero but the *first* thing you do inside that loop is increment the counter. So any use of counter after that point starts at 1, not 0. And you have 15 data elements in the array which is what you'd usually use howmany for. If you wanted a variable to indicate the index of the last element, it's unwise to call it howmany, better would be maxindex.
In that case, you're *never* looking at index number 0.
@paxdiablo, hate to prove you wrong but I actually do index 0. You can set up a similar script and run it, you'll index 0. Because what I did was store index 0 to holder, then increment counter to 1. and compare holder (index 0 at this point) to index 1. Later in the code I'm simply switching index 0 with another value. I can even switch "sparky[counter] > holder" to "sparky[counter] < holder" to increment the list.
Apologies, you're right. It works as-is with the howmany set to 14 (which I still contend is not a good idea but I'll leave that up to you).