




I recently switched to Outlook 2007 and noticed that my VBA-macros won't work. I use the following code to open a new appointment-item (and fill it automatically). It worked perfect in Outlook 2003, but now the objCB.Execute just does nothing. I tried different control IDs and it only works for some, but I could not figure out why or why not for all.

Dim ex As Explorer
Set ex = Application.ActiveExplorer

If ex.CurrentFolder.DefaultItemType <> olAppointmentItem Then
    Set ex = Nothing
    Exit Sub
End If

Dim objCB As CommandBarButton
Dim objAppt As AppointmentItem

Set objCB = ex.CommandBars.FindControl(, 1106)
If objCB Is Nothing Then Exit Sub


Security is set to lowest level.


In Office 2007 you will find that not every Control ID will run via CommandBar.ExecuteMSO, despite being included in the published lists. I have found that complex controls like Shape Galleries will never work but even some more simple ones have been left out for no apparent reason.

I have successfully worked around this using SendKey (inside VBA) or AutoIT (when SendKey is not enough) and selecting the control via keystrokes and sometimes mouse-clicks as necessary.

Sam Russo
I'm trying it with SendKeys, but this creates new problems. The new appointment opens, but I can't get the ActiveInspector.CurrentItem.
Once your appointment opens, How about explicitly declaring an appointment oject and setting it to the ActiveInspector.CurrentItem?. This worked for me:Sub test() Dim appt As AppointmentItem Set appt = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem Debug.Print appt.BodyEnd Sub
Sam Russo
Did that, but the reference is Nothing.
I'm afraid I don't have any other quick ideas for you. I'm out of my element here since I don't normally do Outlook code. I keep busy in the other MS Office apps so I thought at least the tip about Control ID's not executing could help. It sounds like you are close though - perhaps an Outlook coder can help...
Sam Russo

This response is not about VBA, in my recent investigation of this problem in general I have no reason to suspect it would not work. I am leaving this answer as a reference. Please take it or leave it as you will. Here is a topic on the issue as outlookcode.com.

This works fine here (I am using C#3/NET35/NET4/Outlook2007)

Before blaming the OOM right away on this issue I would first ensure that the issue is really indeed with the Execute call and not with the FindControl or other program flow. Also remember that these CommandBars can be affected by the use and/or other add-ins: manually view the tree (OutlookSpy or by code) to clear up any doubt. Also, I am unsure how VB handles implicit casts, as with the assignment. Make sure it isn't silently swallowing up an error condition.

// working C# as "proof"
var _button = commandBars.FindControl(Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton,
    NEW_APPOINTMENT_ID, null, false);
try {
  // button is of type Office.Core.CommandBarControl or null
  if (_button != null) {
} finally {
  Util.ComRelease(ref _button); // My util, but you get the point

Make sure to Com-Release buttons -- Just like Items, do not rely on the RCW to take care of the references manually. It is easy to crash the add-in this way.

Your link just describes the exact same problem. FindControl works, Execute does nothing. But this depends on what control you want to invoke: Print preview or Today view work!

This piece of code works perfectly for Outlook 2007

Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBarControl cbb = _application.ActiveExplorer().CommandBars.FindControl( global::System.Type.Missing, 1106, global::System.Type.Missing, global::System.Type.Missing);

     if (cbb != null)

         Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.AppointmentItem appo = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.AppointmentItem)_application.ActiveInspector().CurrentItem;
         start = appo.Start;
         end = appo.End;
         return true;

But for Outlook 2010 it wont work. I was able to create and execute the commandbarcontrol. It opens the new meeting window and after that the flow of execution of code is lost. I mean it does not run the code afterwards. start = appo.Start; statement will never be executed for me. any workaround please

Tausif Baber
You should create a new question for your problem, as it is C# and nobody will see it in here!