


+3  Q: 

Making my own CSS

Don't worry, I'm not breaking the web :P

I'm annoyed by some stuff in CSS, and I'm going to fix it. It'll be syntactic sugar only, my language will be server-side compiled to regular CSS, so there's no need for special software on the client side.

My current ideas:

  • Variables (actually, they're constants). You will be able to define colours and other things at the top (or anywhere) of the file and then refer to them from anywhere.
  • Server-side includes. The @import statement does this as well, but it requires more HTTP requests. If CSS files are concatenated on the server, it's faster.
  • Nested CSS blocks:

My code block:

#newsBlock {   
  background-color: red;
  ul.items {
    list-style: none;
    li {
      float: left;

Would be equivalent to normal CSS:

#newsBlock {
  background-color: red;

#newsBlock ul.items {
  list-style: none;

#newsBlock ul.items li {
  float: left;

Comments and other suggestions?

+5  A: 

So in other words you're looking for Sass. Of course it would be whatever port for your particular server side language.

The "mixins" of sass should be usefull for wrapping css3 attributes (such as border-radius), so that css3_foo(x) evaluates to "foo: x; -css3-foo: x; -moz-foo: x; -webkit-foo: x" ...
Rasmus Kaj
+10  A: 

Why not use one of the already existing frameworks that do this instead of re-inventing the wheel?

I'm sure there are others as well.

+1 for Less CSS, a very neat solution.
Yann Schwartz
Exactly what I was going to suggest.
That looks like what I want, but is there a port to compile them with PHP? I want the site editor to be able to edit and save his LESS-source and then let PHP see that the file was changed and recompile it on-the-fly.
Bart van Heukelom
Wow, I never heard of these before! I'll definitely study these a lot.
@Bart: a php version:
Thanks adrian, I'm using that now and am very happy about it
Bart van Heukelom

How about inheritance?

+1  A: 

Actually what you're suggesting isn't really new. Take a look at the following:

Using variables in CSS style sheets

CSS Colors: Take Control Using PHP

Generating Dynamic CSS with PHP

It's an interesting concept.

+1  A: 

there are other frames works like this. Kevin Yank's presentation on it here, you might find some ideas there.

ok... now the links work.
Very informative talk
Bart van Heukelom