



I want to write a Windows add-on or application that adds the following function to any Windows text (code) editor:

  1. I select one or more lines of code in the editor (existing functionality of the editor)
  2. I right click and there's an "Insert Comment" choice which I can pick
  3. I type my comment and then click outside the comment edit box
  4. The text of the comment, along with the file name and starting line number of source code file on which I commented, are saved in program variables of my add-on/app

Note that while IDE-specific solutions for Eclipse, Visual Studio, and/or Source Insight are welcome, I'm really looking for a generic answer.

(FYI, I would then take those variables' values and write them out to the Review Board submit-comment API, meeting my goal of being able to submit comments using Review Board while browsing code in my Windows IDE.)



Wait, you are looking for something like Bookmarks / TODO outside of an IDE, not snippet manager, misread the question. I guess the closest thing I do to that is use the way I integrate GIT with my issue tracker. I'll put TODO comments in the code, commit the comments in the version control with a reference to the issue number they relate to, and all the TODO comments with their line numbers are saved in the issue tracker and version control..

Ryan Lynch
Yes, you've got the low-tech answer on this, and personally, I could go for that. In fact, there is Jupiter for Eclipse that formalizes and productizes that. But somehow the market (SmartBear, Atlassian, and open source CodeStriker, Review Board) seems to want centralized, web-based solutions. I want to hook the two together, and my question is to help me build the missing piece.

I got an answer outside of stackoverflow which convinced me that it would be next to impossible to write a generic solution. I think I'll just go look at Jupiter's code since it's open source and get ideas from there. I wrote to Source Insight for an API but they never responded -- I guess I'll phone them.
