



My model would best use some

v int[30][i][N_i];

structure that is 30 vectors of tuples of ints, where

v[0] is a dummy,
v[1] are plain ints (N_0 of them),
v[2] are pairs of int (N_1 pairs)
v[29] would be 29-tuples of int (N_29 of them)

This is not vector<vector<int>> like in "generic-vector-of-vectors-in-c"

Apparently, the outer fixed dim=30 is no problem, the inner one is taken care of by the self-extending STL vector class.

Is there any way to get the middle dimension fixed, but not constant?


The best way to do what you want is write wrapper functions around the vector accessors. The best way to wrap existing behavior is to write a new class that is implemented with your fancy vector of vector of what ever.

+2  A: 

As I wrote in a comment to your question, I'm not sure to understand what you are looking for (and I'm very interested by the "as in Java" part, BTW).

But since I thought it would be fun to see how it could be generated with Boost.MPL (and Fusion... and Array), I'm assuming that you want a statically defined structure whose Ntn element is a vector of int arrays of size N:


#include <boost/mpl/transform.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/inserter.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/range_c.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/size_t.hpp>

#include <boost/fusion/include/mpl.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/at_c.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/as_vector.hpp>

#include <boost/array.hpp>

#include <vector>

namespace bf = boost::fusion;
namespace bmpl = boost::mpl;

// Type generator used for elements 2..N
// For those elements, the type of the n'th element is
// std::vector<boost::array<int, n>>
template<class SizeT>
struct VectorOfArray
    typedef std::vector<boost::array<int, SizeT::type::value> > type;

// The dummy type used for the first element
struct Dummy{};

// The container itself
template<size_t Size>
struct StrangeContainer

    // Define a fusion::vector (this is, more or less, equivalent to a tuple)
    // of "Size" elements, where:
    // - the type of element 0 is Dummy, 
    // - the type of element 1 is vector<int>
    // - the type of the n'th element is vector<array<int, n>>
    typedef typename bf::result_of::as_vector<
        typename bmpl::transform<
            bmpl::range_c<size_t, 2, Size>,
                bmpl::vector<Dummy, std::vector<int> >
    >::type ContentsType;

    // Helper struct to compute the return type of the "At()" member
    template<size_t I>
    struct ElemType
        typedef typename VectorOfArray<bmpl::size_t<I> >::type type;

    // Specialize "At()"'s return type for element 1
    struct ElemType<static_cast<size_t>(1)>
        typedef std::vector<int> type;

    // Specialize "At()"'s return type for element 0
    struct ElemType<static_cast<size_t>(0)>
        typedef Dummy type;

    // Get the I'th element
    template<size_t I>
    typename ElemType<I>::type& 
        return bf::at_c<I>(m_Contents);

    // The fusion vector holding the elements
    ContentsType m_Contents;

int main()
    StrangeContainer<30> s;
    Dummy& d = s.At<0>();
    s.At<2>().push_back(boost::array<int, 2>());
    s.At<3>().push_back(boost::array<int, 3>());
    s.At<29>().push_back(boost::array<int, 29>());
    s.At<29>()[0][0] = 1234;

    return 0;
Éric Malenfant
+1, very elegant solution.
Matthieu M.

I'm Michael (the initial author) now having ID La-AIDA

Firstly, thank you all, Boost & Fusion where new to me.

To Éric: One Typo: v[1] should have N_1 entries, v[2] N_2 and so forth. I would like STL-like stuff, not C-arrays (lacking bounds check with no option to add it).

New comment to Éric: I tried your solution, it worked (almost, after removing the dummy query) immediately! Thank you! But: I need something like

 for (i = 1;i < 30;i++) {
    cout << s.At<i>[0] << endl; 

that is, the index for At<..> should be variable (that is the whole point, to be able to run an index instead of treating 30 hard-coded things separately)
but gcc complains with error: 'i' cannot appear in a constant-expression

About the "as in Java": AfaIk, a two-dim matrix in Java is not some int v[10][10]; with fixed dimensions, but something like int[][] v; where you first have a

v = new int[10][];

(or similar syntax) and then, and this is the point:

v[0] = new int[1];
v[9] = new a[10];

which makes a triangular matrix, or of course any form you like. In fact a regular 10-by-10 matrix as well requires 1 plus 10 new's.

About the structure itself: An equivalent data structure would be

vector<int> v1;
vector<pair<int,int>> v2;
vector<int,int,int> v3;
vector<int[29]> v29;

where however we would have to address each of the 30 parts separately.

I would like to be able to say v[5][3][123] = 99; to set the 3rd component in the 123rd 5-tuple to 99, without defining

vector<int> v[30][30];

which would do the trick, but wasting enormous space, since v[1][2..30][0..\infty] or more generally v[i][i+1..30][*] are never used.

So, in my problem, I have a list of int's , another of pairs, of triples,..., of 30-tuples of int's, which all should be sortable etc., within a single structure, without wasting space.

A small nitpick: You should edit your question instead of posting an "answer". That way it's easier to find and it will group the answers as answers and not a mix of answers and questions.
Yes ;-)I asked as "anonymous Michael", my question is not mine anymore, probably nobody can edit it (except the site maintainers etc.).
The index for `At<>` must be a constant because `At`'s return type is a function of the index.However, you can iterate the elements of a Fusion sequence with boost::fusion::for_each.
Éric Malenfant
I'm sorry, but I still don't get the "as in Java" part. In fact, I don't clearly get what you're after. You mention "int[][]" (an array of int arrays), and then talk about a more complex structure of "vector<int>, vector<pair<int,int>>, vector<int,int,int>...vector<int[29]>" (Something similar to what I describe in my answer, but mixing tuples and arrays), and finally about "vector<int>[30][30]" (an array of array of vector<int>). I'm confused :(
Éric Malenfant