




Is there a way to find the elements generated by ColdFusion's CFLayout and CFLayoutArea tags?

These tags:

<cflayout type="tab" name="MyAccount">
<cflayoutarea name="OrderStatus" title="P" source="/o.cfm" />

Generate this code:

<td id="ext-gen31" style="width: 174px;">
<a id="ext-gen28" class="x-tabs-right" href="#">
<span class="x-tabs-left">
<em id="ext-gen29" class="x-tabs-inner" style="width: 154px;">
<span id="ext-gen30" class="x-tabs-text" title="P" unselectable="on" style="width: 154px;">

I want to update the title information in the id of ext-gen30 but don't know what that name is going to be or how to find it.

All help appreciated!

+1  A: 

It doesn't directly answer your question, but if your goal is to get a reference to the DOM objects in order to set their properties (and it sounds like that's the case), then the documentation suggests that you should be able to use the function ColdFusion.Layout.getTabLayout() to get a reference to the Ext layout object, and then manipulate that however you'd like.

Sixten Otto
Thanks very much! Your answer led me down the path of the Ext object and the updates that were required.