Hi, I'm using a UITabBarController to keep track of different views for an app. In one view, the "quiz controller", I have the user select numbers from segmented controls and then I store their answers in an integer array. At the bottom is a 'submit' button which, when hit, should call a function in another view to display results using the "results controller". My question is, how do I handle class methods to allow the results to to be analyzed and set UILabels in the "results controller" when called by the "quiz controller"?
My code for hitting the submit button looks like this:
[ResultViewController calculateAndDisplayScores];
// swtich to results view
mainDelegate.tabBarController.selectedIndex = 2;
where "ResultViewController" is the name of my "results controller". When I do this, ResultViewController gives me an error which I think says I can't set a UILabel text property in a class method.