



I have a menu that opens up on

$('.my_menu').show('slide', {direction:'up'}, 500, function() {}, function() {});

and closes on

$('.my_menu').hide('slide', {direction:'up'}, 200, function() {}, function() {});

Now, when it closes I don't want the menu to go all the way back to hidden, I would like to see parts of the menu as to give a visual hint that there's actually something there.

Is there an offset option to the show/hide command?


+1  A: 

have you tried:

var height = $('.my_menu').outerHeight() - 4; // show 4 pixels
$('.my_menu').hide('slide', {direction:'up', distance: height}, 200, function() {}, function() {});

(take a look at effects.slide.js)

Scott Evernden