How can I do this in one linq statement: If got an list of objects where I have (id, name, parentId). Now I have 3 levels of hierarchy in this list. What I want is that when I'm getting the Id of the top level in my function, I want the Ids of the 3th level.
I've got this for the moment:
Public List<int> GetIds(int objectId){
var idList = new List<int>();
//get the seconds level ids
var parentsIds = from n in myListObject
where n.parentId.equals(objectId)
//get the third level ids
foreach(var parentId in parentsIds){
var childIds = from c in myListObject
where c.parentId.equals(parentId)
foreach(var childId in childIds){
return idList;
So I'm wondering if I could do this in one linq statement?