



Are there any open source C# compilers written in C#?

I know of Blue, but it was written in 2001 and only supports C# 1:

Ideally, I'm looking for one which supports C# 3.0 - but even 2.0 would be fine.

+1  A: 

Here is another one, but also quite old, from 2002.

That's not a c# compiler, it uses the framework features to compile the code.
Maximilian Mayerl
Well, technically, it is indeed "a C# compiler written in C#". The question does not specifically ask for a compiler written from scratch.
+6  A: 

mono's C# compiler is written in C#. If you need to just parse C# source text, you may use NRefactory.

Good find, I never realised Mono's compiler was written in C# itself.
Winston Smith
+4  A: 

How about the mono C# compiler, which is written in C# itself. You can browse the source here.

Mark Heath