




hi, i have been going through some code and came across a statement that somehow disturbed me.

typedef GLfloat vec2_t[2];   

typedef GLfloat vec3_t[3];

From my perspective, a statement such as

typedef unsigned long ulong;

Means that ulong is taken to mean unsigned long
Now, can the statement below mean that vec2_t[2] is equivalent to GLfloat??

typedef GLfloat vec2_t[2];

Most likely, Probably its not the intended meaning. I would appreciate it if someone clears this up for me. Thanks

+15  A: 

Basically a typedef has exactly the same format as a normal C declaration, but it introduces another name for the type instead of a variable of that type.

In your example, without the typedef, vec2_t would be an array of two GLfloats. With the typedef it means the vec2_t is a new name for the type "array of two GLfloats".

typedef GLfloat vec2_t[2];

This means that these two declarations are equivalent:

vec2_t x;

GLfloat x[2];
Charles Bailey
Good answer. Thanks
Dr Deo
+1  A: 

In your case, vec2_t is an array of 2 GLfloats and vec3_t is an array of 3 GLfloats. You can then do stuff like:

vec2_t x;
// do stuff with x[0] and x[1]
Graeme Perrow

It means that vec2_t is an array of 2 GLfloat and that vec3_t is an array of 3.

More info


The intent would be clearer if C syntax allowed it to be written as

typedef GLfloat[2] vec2_t;   

typedef GLfloat[3] vec3_t;

But that's not valid syntax.

Paul Tomblin
Doesn't appear to be.
No, it's not valid syntax.
Guys check out AndreT 's answer above. Looks good to me
Dr Deo
Of course it's not and he's saying that. He was just trying to show what the definition does. +1
@Nicholaz, well to be fair, he said that after they commented. Before, he asked about its validness in the question. Not sure why and who downvoted though.
Johannes Schaub - litb
+1  A: 

When you want to create a typedef-name vec2_t for an array type GLfloat[2], the proper syntax would be not

typedef GLfloat[2] vec2_t;

(as a beginner might expect), but rather

typedef GLfloat vec2_t[2];

I.e. the general structure of the syntax here, as it has already been said, is the same an in a variable declaration.

+1  A: 

C declaration syntax can be confusing, but you only need one simple rule: read from the inside-out. Once you do that, just understand typedef creates another name (an alias) for a type.

The inside is the declared-identifier (or where it would go if missing). Examples:

T a[2]; // array (length 2) of T
T* a[2]; // array (length 2) of pointer to T ([] before *)
T (*p)[2]; // pointer to array (length 2) of T (parens group)
T f(); // function returning T
T f(int, char*); // function of (int, pointer to char) returning T
T (*p)(int); // pointer to function of (int) returning T

T (*f(char, T(*)[2]))(int);
// f is a function of (char,
//                     pointer to array (length 2) of T)
//                 returning a pointer to a function of (int)
//                                                   returning T

typedef T (*F(char, T(*)[2]))(int);
// F is the type:
//        function of (char,
//                     pointer to array (length 2) of T)
//                 returning a pointer to a function of (int)
//                                                   returning T
// (yes, F is a function type, not a pointer-to-function)
F* p1 = 0; // pointer to F
T (*(*p2)(char, T(*)[2]))(int) = 0; // identical to p1 from the previous line
Roger Pate