



I'm trying to represent a scoreboard for a competition and am struggling with the best data structures to use.

I have a list of Player objects, a list of Round objects, and for each combination, I need to store a RoundScore object (there are various parts to the score for a round).

What I'd like is some overall Scoreboard object where the following holds:

1 - I can access a collection of RoundScore objects identified by Round keys by providing a Player object. For example, maybe something like:

public IDictionary<Round,RoundScore> PlayerScores(Player player) { ... }

2 - I can access a collection of RoundScore objects identified by Player keys by providing a Round object. e.g:

public IDictionary<Player,RoundScore> RoundScores(Round round) { ... }

3 - I can access a single RoundScore object by providing a Player and a Round

4 - I can add a new Round and all Players will get a new RoundScore for that round with default values

5 - Similarly, I can add a new Player and all Rounds will have a new RoundScore for that player with default values

I guess what I'm really looking for is a representation of a grid with Rounds on one axis, Players on the other, and RoundScores in the middle.

Is there any data structure (or combination of data structures) already in .Net that I can use for this or will I have to roll my own?


Why not model this the object oriented way?

---Score (Game)

Another way to do this would be an ordinary array. For more on .Net colectios see

Using this, how do I get the score for a particular player in a particular round? Players seem to be completely separated from scores. Also, I don't have a concept of a Game in my model...
+1  A: 

I believe you'll have to roll your own. You could store your matrix of data in one of these:


Then in Round, add a field that stores the index of that Round's scores. Likewise, in Player, add a field for that player's scores.

If the rows are the scores for a round, then returning that list is trivial. To return the list of scores for a player, you could create a class that implements IList, which knows how to access the scores by index. By doing this, you don't have to copy the scores into a new list each time they are requested.

For example:

List<Player> Players;
List<Round> Rounds;
List<List<RoundScore>> Scores;

List<RoundScore> GetRoundScores(Round round)
    return Scores[round.Index];

IList<RoundScore> GetRoundScores(Player player)
    return new PlayerScoreList(Scores, player.Index); // or better yet, cache this

public class PlayerScoreList : IList<RoundScore>
    private List<List<RoundScore>> _scores;
    private int _playerIndex;

    public RoundScore this[int index]
            return _scores[_playerIndex][index];
            _scores[_playerIndex][index] = value;

    public PlayerScoreList(List<List<RoundScore>> scores, int playerIndex)
        _scores = scores;
        _playerIndex = playerIndex;

    public void Add(RoundScore item)
        throw new NotSupportedException();

    public void Clear()
        throw new NotSupportedException();

    public bool Contains(RoundScore item)
        for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
            if (this[i].Equals(item))
                return true;

        return false;

    public int Count
        get { return _scores[0].Count; }

    public IEnumerator<RoundScore> GetEnumerator()
        for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
            yield return this[i];

    // ... more methods

Neil Whitaker
Thanks, I like what you're doing, but the return values I get back are just going to be a list of scores rather than a dictionary. It looks like your code should be easy to modify to get that for me. Thanks.
Yes. You could easily implement an IDictionary the same way as the IList.
Neil Whitaker