Does anyone know of an off-the-shelf database that provides phonetic (kana) readings for Japanese words?
Assuming what you actually mean is you want a computer readable offline Japanese dictionary then look at JMDict (or the older edict) are Japanese dictionaries which have reading entries (in Kanji/Kana) with an associated kana reading element. The JMDict is in XML so it is pretty simple to use with most projects.
2009-11-18 20:40:40
Thanks. That's a pretty good list.
Mike Sickler
2009-11-18 21:08:05
One project that comes to mind is Gozoku, which comes with a English<->Japanese SQLite database, as well as kana readings for Japanese words. I haven't taken a look at the schema, but you might find what you're looking for in there.
Bill Casarin
2009-11-18 20:47:49