



Does anyone know a good open source sample ASP.Net 3.5 enterprise app which encompasses as many good 'patterns and practices' as possible while relying on latest tools and technologies? Ah, it should not be too complex either. And well documented if possible.


The best way to learn that is to build it yourself.

Haphazardly building an app in unfamiliar tech territory isn't really a good way to see what best practices are.
Gabriel Isenberg
Then pick up a book or a tutorial and don't do it haphazardly.
And this is exactly why I asked the question...
yeah not such a great answer.
+3  A: 

Check out the MVC Storefront series of screencasts, they're a great way of getting up to speed with a lot of the latest technologies.

The link points to the corresponding blog which lists posts/screencasts in descending order so you'll need to go back to this page to get started.

Luke Bennett

There are quite a few Starter Kit sites at the official Asp.Net site, and a lot of them have accompanying forums if you need help. Most of them are open source and contain accompanying tutorials. For example, the Kigg kit is a Digg clone using MVC, LINQ and AJAX.

+5  A: 

The S#arp Architecture project is what you're looking for. I like the MVC Storefront series, but it's a bit tedious to follow all the screencasts. S#arp provides a great base to code off of along with pretty solid documentation.

That said, S#arp will take a bit of time to sink in if you aren't familiar with domain driven design, nhibernate, dependency injection / inversion of control, and other patterns / practices used in it.

Kevin Pang