




I own a piece of proprietary hardware purchased from a company. They also provide a Linux kernel module for it, but it is incompatable with my kernel version and I'd like to get the source code to it to fix it. The License file that comes with the software claims the software is under a proprietary license. However during my efforts to make this work, I've discovered that the module claims MODULE_LICENSE("GPL") in announcing itself to the kernel, most likely to avoid a warning about tainting the kernel.

Because of this, is the company legally required to provide me withthe module source code and if so, how do I go about getting them to do this.

+1  A: 

Have you tried just asking them nicely for a module for the kernel version you're using? Nobody has a legal obligation to give you source to anything, period. Copyright only grants legal rights to the owners of the protected material. So GNU might be able to go after them for misusing their trademark, or require them to release the source if they linked against GPL code, but you can't do anything but make them refuse to talk to you.

Hugh Brackett
Thanks! Yes, so far all I have done is email their support department asking if the GPL designation in the module was correct or an oversite and asking for the source code if it was correct, but didn't get a response. I also sent in a seperate email with the linux version issues I'm having but didn't get a response to that either. I guess I'm pretty much out of luck. :(

It seams hard to claim the code is not GPL, when that's how it declares itself.

It's almost like tell people that is in the license header of a source file should be ignored.

Simeon Pilgrim
+1  A: 

No, the company seems to have made it clear what the terms of your license are and just because their module lies to the Linux kernel does not in any way impart additional rights to you not granted in their license. In addition, even if it did, the GPL itself doesn't allow this and the GPL wouldn't apply to the software anyway.

Section 4 of the GPL states:

You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.

Robert Gamble
You're misunderstanding that section. It serves to terminate all of the licensed rights of the person who violates the license, which means they are violating the copyright.
Hugh Brackett
If the entity violating the license (by distributing the program in violation of the GPL by imposing the proprietary license) is the entity that owns the copyright then 1) the GPL wouldn't apply since you can't do that and 2) you can't violate your own copyright.
Robert Gamble
The copyright is question is the kernel source. Whether the driver falls under the GPL depends on how the driver uses the GPL'd kernel sources (if any). Having the string MODULE_LICENSE("GPL") in your module might make it difficult to enforce your rights against someone who distributes the module, but it certainly doesn't obligate you to distribute the source.
Hugh Brackett

I don't think you would succeed in forcing the company to publish the module under GPL. There was a similar case, which ended up with a company ceasing to feign that their module is GPLed after quite some negative publicity.

Robert Obryk