I think you might be blowing this up a little too big... as an undergraduate project, I would approach it a little more small scale.
Unless your specification says you must use actual internet resources, you would be better off creating your own database of custom short documents. Add metadata to each document stating the points they make about certain topics.
Next, I would create a list of citations which link to each document and add some metadata representing that experts stance on the topic. When someone reads a document, I would augment the list of citations with lists of links to documents which have alternative views on that topic.
Basically it would consist of these tables:
Document (id, data)
DocumentPoints (documentId, topic, stance)
Citation (documentId, topic, stance)
And when someone loads up a document, the citations are pulled up as well. For each citation, you search DocumentPoints
for the same topics with different stances. The most difficult part of this project would be creating the 5 or 6 documents you need to have data in your database. After that the solution is trivial.
On a side note, most of these other answers are telling you to use some existing solution... don't do that unless the assignment tells you to. You'll be much better off understanding the problem and various ways to solve it (this is definitely not the only/best one) if you work through the entire problem yourself. When the teacher asks you to do something not supported by whatever product you chose to implement your solution on, you wouldn't be able to fix it. If you had just written it yourself, you could just as easily implement to the new spec as well.