



I'm using Uploadify to upload an image. Now I need to get the correct upload path.

I have the following code / script:

    $uploadifyPath = get_bloginfo('url') . '/wp-content/plugins/uploadify/';
    $galleryPath = "'".getGalleryURL('1620')."'"; // <--- 1620 is inputed by me. 

  <input id="galleryID" type="hidden" value="1620" name="galleryID"/>
  <input id="fileInput" name="fileInput" type="file" />

  <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
    $(document).ready(function() {
          'uploader'  : '<?php echo $uploadifyPath ?>uploadify.swf',
          'script'    : '<?php echo $uploadifyPath ?>uploadify.php',
          'cancelImg' : '<?php echo $uploadifyPath ?>cancel.png',
          'auto'      : true,
          'folder'    : <?php echo $galleryPath ?>
  // ]]></script>

How can I, with jQuery, get the value of galleryID and input it into my function getGalleryURL() ?

Or... is there a better way to do this??

+1  A: 

You can't. You're PHP code is executed on the webserver. Then, the HTML/CSS/JS code is transmitted to the browser, where javascript is executed.

If you need Javascript/PHP communication, you will have to use jQuerys AJAX functionality.

Note how I'm using PHP inside the <script> tags. So I'm already mixing the two.
No, you aren't, actually. As I said, PHP is executed on the webserver, and Javascript in the client browser, therefor, Javascript will never be able to tell if some value came out of a PHP function or it was hardcoded or whatever. You should really try to understand the difference between server-side and client-side languages, as that would answer all your questions on this matter.

Do an AJAX call via jQuery to let PHP know the galleryID and then use it's callback to load uploadify.

Blair McMillan