



I enjoy the game of Go (also known as weiqi in China or baduk in Korea). I want to create a program (an evaluation function) to play it.

I would prefer if the framework handled two important tasks:

  • Handle rules for the game, including captures, ko rules, and final scoring.
  • Handle communication between a server like KGS and my program.

Also, my home machines run Linux or Mac OS X; I cannot use any only-Windows platforms.

Thank you!

+4  A: 

GNU Go is a great open source Go program. It's evaluation function is well-documented and it provides an easy way to output the explanation for every move the program made. You can either replace the evaluation function from scratch with your own, or tinker with the existing one.

Open Go is an open source tool with code for communicating using the Go Modem Protocol. I believe that's what you need for the second part of your question.

Gnu Go is excellent for the first half -- it has all the rules and final scoring -- but it doesn't handle communication with servers by itself.
Chip Uni
Thanks for the advice!
Chip Uni