



Hi, im writting a twitter mashup service. When i receive the json data, some of the twit ids are greater than 2147483647 (which is the maximum allowed integer on 32bit servers).

I came up with a solution that works, which is converting the integers to strings; that way the json_decode() function won't have any problems when trying to generate the array.

This is what i need to achieve:

Before (original JSON data)


After (solution applied)


I'm thinking of a preg_match implementation, but i have no idea on how to do it bullet-proof. Any help will be much appreciated.

+4  A: 

You can use preg_replace to capture the numbers and add the quotes, something like this:

$jsonString = '[{"name":"john","id":5932725006},{"name":"max","id":4953467146}]';

echo preg_replace('/("\w+"):(\d+)/', '\\1:"\\2"', $jsonString);
//prints [{"name":"john","id":"5932725006"},{"name":"max","id":"4953467146"}]

Try the above example here.

You'll want `"id":` in that expression, surely? Otherwise it will match any sequence of numbers, badly breaking any string that contains a digit.
exactly. it works fine... but it would be better if it would only match the digits near "id":
@bobnice: Agree, edited :)
in fact... if there is "name":"junior2" it will become "junior"2"" with your code :s
Yeah, bobince is right. Try `preg_replace('/"id":(\d+)/', '"id":"$1"', $jsonString)`
Benji XVI
oh... just saw the update... it works great now. thanks!
Thx. i think some older PHP version may have this issue, while new do not. becoz i got a working json_decode in one machine, but not the one with php 5.2.3, at least. but the above solution works!

If you use PHP 5.2 those long ids will be parsed into a float, which though not ideal at least gives you another 21 bits of integer precision, which should easily be enough to store those ids. (A 64-bit server would be ideal of course.)

the server where this is running has both php4 and php5 environments. in order to activate php5 i have to set this flag in the .htaccess file:AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .phpMaybe this weird setting won't let me get the int2float feature. Thanks for the info though.
That should work, but you may, alas, still be running an older version of PHP5 too.

If it comes down to it, you can attempt to use the big_int PECL extension. This lets PHP use numbers that are extraordinarily large, should you need to. It's a big leap, but if you're routinely dealing with numbers that border on the edge of mindnumbingness, you'll likely find it helpful.
