



My application is basically a way for groups to manage content.

There will be 3 different levels of users:

  • Website Administrators: a few people who can do everything.
  • Group administrators: privilege to upload files, edit calendars, and manage members, but only for their group.
  • Members: can see content for the groups that they are members of.

Group admins should be able to remove members from the group. Anyone can be a member of a group, regardless of user level and can be members of multiple groups at one time.

The part that is confusing me is how to keep track of the multiple groups that a member can be a part of.

How should I structure my database so I can achieve this?

This is my idea so far:

//pseudo code:

    ( id , username , password , role ) //role within website

    ( id , name )

    ( group_id , user_id , role ) //role within group

group_members VALUES
    ( 1 , 1 , 'group admin'  )
    ( 1 , 2 , 'group member' )
    ( 2 , 2 , 'group member' )

Is this how I should track membership of groups?


Looks fine to me, though I'd use an int id to indicate 'group member' or 'group admin' (instead of the text). In other words, have another table that denotes a user type and the id from that table would be assigned in group_members.

If there's only ever going to be one group admin, another way to do it would be to put a user id into the group table that indicates the group's admin. However, this would lock you into always having a single group admin.

Michael Todd
yeah...I have a roles table too...I should have included that in my example. =/
+1  A: 

Seems to be rather reasonable structure. However, maybe I would replace the textual role-field with reference to separate ROLE table, or with with integer that denotes the role.

  (group_id, user_id, role_id)

  ( role_id, name)


 group_members VALUES
    (1, 1, 1)  
 role 1 => group admin
 role 2 => group member

Juha Syrjälä
Why the downvotes?
Juha Syrjälä
I don't know. I think you both deserve +1 votes for responding to my question. =]

I'd change your role fields to either a boolean or a ENUM("Y","N") type thing and call them "is_admin" -- but besides that it looks good

Andrew G. Johnson

USERS table

  • user_id, pk
  • username
  • password

ROLES table

  • role_id, pk
  • role_name

GROUPS table

  • group_id, pk
  • group_name


  • user_id, pk, fk
  • role_id, pk, fk
  • group_id, pk, fk

The USER_GROUP_ROLES_XREF table's primary key is a composite key - this means ensures that a user can only have one role per group because there could only be one record allowed with the combination of values. And because of the combination of all three values, a user can be involved with numerous groups.

OMG Ponies
I understand the reason to use foreign keys in the `user_group_roles_xref` table, but why the primary keys? I thought only one column could be a primary key.
@Andrew: No, a primary key can be a combination of columns - this is called a composite.
OMG Ponies

I would do some changes:

//pseudo code:

users ( id , username , password , id_role ) //role within website

users_role (id, role)

groups ( id , name )

group_members ( group_id , user_id , id_group_role ) //role within group

group_role ( id, role)

group_members VALUES ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) ( 1 , 2 , 2 ) ( 2 , 2 , 2 )
