



I am not at all familiar with Oracle so bear with me!

I am using version Oracle 10G with the web front end called Enterprise Manager. I have been given some CSV files to import however when I use the Load Data from User Files option I think I can set everything up but when the job runs it complains that there are unique constraints, I guess because there is duplicate data trying to be inserted.

How can I get the insert to create a new primary key similar to a MSSQL auto inc number?


There is no autoinc type in Oracle. You have to use a sequence.
By using a before insert trigger, you could get something similar to what you get by using an autoinc in SQL Server.

You can see here how to do it.

Marius Burz

Oracle does not have an analog to the MSSQL auto incrementing field. The feature has to be simulated via triggers and Oracle sequences. Some options here are to:

  1. create a trigger to populate the columns you want auto incremented from a sequence
  2. delete the offending duplicate keys in the table
  3. change the values in your CSV file.

You might look at this related SO question.
