This is not another question about 'How Can I Sort Dynamically (based on an arbitrary user provided field)?'
The question is -- how can I change sort order when I know the potential sorts in advance? (And thus avoid reflection / custom Expression building typically associated with truly dynamic sorting.)
Take for instance this subquery (shortened for this example) of a larger query:
(from solutionIds in context.csExtendedQAIncident_Docs
where solutionIds.tiRecordStatus == 1
&& (from solutionProductAssocation in context.csProductDocs
where solutionProductAssocation.iSiteId == Settings.Current.WebUtility().Onyx.SiteId
&& (from allowedProduct in context.KB_User_Allowed_Products
where allowedProduct.UserId == userId
select allowedProduct.ModelCode
select solutionProductAssocation.chIdNo).Distinct().Contains(solutionIds.chIdNo)
).OrderByDescending(s => s.dtUpdateDate)
.Select(s => s.chIdNo)
.Take(count ?? Settings.Current.WCFServices().Output.HomePage.MaxRows)
The OrderByDescending portion works as I would expect.
Now -- I want to factor that out like the following:
Expression<Func<csExtendedQAIncident_Doc, IComparable>> ordering = (s) => s.dtUpdateDate;
if (viewType == HomepageViewType.MostViewed)
ordering = (s) => s.vchUserField8;
else if (viewType == HomepageViewType.MostEffective)
ordering = (s) => s.vchUserField4;
and then use:
This does compile, but blows up at run-time.
Unsupported overload used for query operator 'OrderByDescending'.
This of course comes from deep in the bowels of System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter -- in particular VisitSequenceOperatorCall. Reflectoring that code reveals that the following conditions must be met for OrderByDescending to properly evaluate. 'mc' is the MethodCallExpression passed into the method.
if (((mc.Arguments.Count != 2) || !this.IsLambda(mc.Arguments[1]))
|| (this.GetLambda(mc.Arguments[1]).Parameters.Count != 1))
So essentially that MethodCallExpression has to have 2 arguments, the second of which has to be a Expressions.LambdaExpression with a single parameter (presumably the sort field). If that code breaks out, the exception that I got is thrown.
So clearly I have not constructed the expression correctly. Without digging in any further here, does anyone know how to correctly construct the sorting Expression?