



If I want to give an option for users to log in to a website using https:// instead of http://, I'd best to give them an option to get there in my view or template.

I'd like to have the link "Use secure connection" on my login page - but then, how do I do it without hardcoding the URL?

I'd like to be able to just do:

{% url login_page %}
{% url login_page_https %}

and have them point to and

How can I do this?


Perhaps you could write a tag url_https that does the same thing as url but points to the HTTPS version of the url.

Corey Porter
+1  A: 

I've not worked much with secure urls, but I have worked a bit with satchmo, which has a middleware and some utils for it. The middleware just checks for the key SSL = True in the view parameters, and makes the request secure that way. You probably don't need to make it that complex, but you can take a look at how it's implemented.

Satchmo is on bitbucked here

I was also able to find a snippets for middlewares which also should be able to help you get a secure login url:

The first is the original, while the 2nd should be ab improved version, at some point, but might not be the case anymore. You can take a look into them.

Using either satchmo or one of the middleware snippets you should be able to do something like

{% url login_page %}
{% url login_page SSL=1 %}
The linked snippets are a good comprehensive solution if you want to define certain URLs as https-only and then have a middleware take care of it from there. They're overkill if all you are trying to do is create an https link.
Carl Meyer
True, for one link alone this is not worth it. In that case your solution is better.
+4  A: 

The {% url %} tag only generates the path portion of the URL, not the host portion. It only generates something like "/path/to/here" (all you need to do is "view source" and you'll see that's the entire contents of the href). It's your browser that assumes if you're currently on the link should also be within So all you need to do to generate a secure link in your template is:

<a href="{% url blah %}">

If you don't want to hardcode the domain name (and I wouldn't), you can use the Site object and have it look something like:

<a href="https://{{ site.domain }}{% url blah %}">

Or if you don't want to use the sites framework, you can use request.get_host:

<a href="https://{{ request.get_host }}{% url blah %}">
Carl Meyer
This has 1 disadvantage though; when/if I move the site to diffrent domain, or something like that, relative URLs won't break, this one will. I was looking for something more like request.build_absolute_uri() function with option to replace http with https, but I guess it's better to implement it by myself.
Well, there is no way to force https and use a relative URL. Edited to mention that you can use the Sites framework to avoid hardcoding the domain name.
Carl Meyer
The above option using request.get_host is essentially doing the same thing as request.get_absolute_uri and forcing https.
Carl Meyer