




Is there any library function available in C standard library to do sort?


There are several C sorting functions available in stdlib.h. You can do man 3 qsort on a unix machine to get a listing of them but they include:

  • heapsort
  • quicksort
  • mergesort
heapsort and mergesort are not in the standard.
Neither is quicksort. The standard does not mandate which algorithm is used.
They are on OSX at least.
+2  A: 

try qsort in stdlib.h.

Traveling Tech Guy
+5  A: 

For sure: qsort() is an implementation of a sort (not necessarily quicksort as its name might suggest).

Try man 3 qsort or have a read at http://linux.die.net/man/3/qsort

`qsort` does not have to be implemented using Quicksort.
James McNellis
+12  A: 

qsort() is the function you're looking for. You call it with a pointer to your array of data, the number of elements in that array, the size of each element and a comparison function.

It does its magic and your array is sorted in-place. An example follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int comp (const void * elem1, const void * elem2) {
    int f = *((int*)elem1);
    int s = *((int*)elem2);
    if (f > s) return  1;
    if (f < s) return -1;
    return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int x[] = {4,5,2,3,1,0,9,8,6,7};

    qsort (x, sizeof(x)/sizeof(*x), sizeof(*x), comp);

    for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
     printf ("%d ", x[i]);

    return 0;
You really should use sizeof(*x) in case you ever change the type in future but +1 for providing a sample.
What is _tmain?
Thomas Padron-McCarthy
Good point, @Thomas, I got rid of that non-standard monstrosity :-)
In general case, an attempt to compare ints by subtracting one from another will result in overflow. It's better to stay away from that bad habit from the very beginning. Use `return (f > s) - (f < s);`
You might also use `sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])` in case your array size ever changes. You might also abstract that away into a macro, and you might change the declaration to `x[] =` so that the size can change without breaking your code. And for the final pedantry, you should never use an `int` to index arrays - that's what `size_t` is invented for.
Chris Lutz
I did write this as a quick example only but thank for the commentary non the less.
Okay, changed as per most suggestions. I draw the line, @ChrisL, at needing size_t since my arrays never get that big :-) And, @AndreyT, clever though that hack is, I prefer my code to be readable :-)
@paxdiablo: That "hack" is a well-established idiom. Any programmer worth his salt recognizes it immediately. It has no negative effects on readability.
@paxdiablo :Only using sizeof(*x) won't work if you are changing the type, you have to modify the compare function accordingly.
There's nothing wrong with indexing arrays using `int` (or `char` for that matter). The *size* of an array, however, should be a `size_t`.
Stephen Canon
+2  A: 

Use qsort() in stdlib.

@paxdiablo The qsort() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:1990 (``ISO C90'').

+3  A: 

C/C++ standard library <stdlib.h> contains qsort function.

This is not the best quick sort implementation in the world but it fast enough and VERY EASY to be used... the formal syntax of qsort is:


The only thing that you need to implement is the compare_function, which takes in two arguments of type "const void", which can be cast to appropriate data structure, and then return one of these three values:

  • negative, if a should be before b
  • 0, if a equal to b
  • positive, if a should be after b

1. Comparing a list of integers:

simply cast a and b to integers if x < y,x-y is negative, x == y, x-y = 0, x > y, x-y is positive x-y is a shortcut way to do it :) reverse *x - *y to *y - *x for sorting in decreasing/reverse order

int compare_function(const void *a,const void *b) {
int *x = (int *) a;
int *y = (int *) b;
return *x - *y;

2. Comparing a list of strings:

For comparing string, you need strcmp function inside <string.h> lib. strcmp will by default return -ve,0,ve appropriately... to sort in reverse order, just reverse the sign returned by strcmp

#include <string.h>
int compare_function(const void *a,const void *b) {
return (strcmp((char *)a,(char *)b));

3. Comparing floating point numbers:

int compare_function(const void *a,const void *b) {
double *x = (double *) a;
double *y = (double *) b;
// return *x - *y; // this is WRONG...
if (*x < *y) return -1;
else if (*x > *y) return 1; return 0;

4. Comparing records based on a key:

Sometimes you need to sort a more complex stuffs, such as record. Here is the simplest way to do it using qsort library.

typedef struct {
int key;
double value;
} the_record;

int compare_function(const void *a,const void *b) {
the_record *x = (the_record *) a;
the_record *y = (the_record *) b;
return x->key - y->key;
A pretty good answer, but the explanation of the return value of the compare function is backwards. Also, in some of the examples, you're doing the x-y trick, which can give faulty results (and is less obvious than a simple comparison).
Adrian McCarthy
Well,as far as I am concerned now .. this works for every contest ;)