




I'm looking to pick up a book that discusses search engine optimization from the programmer's perspective. Any ideas?



No Refunds No Returns
Sounds like its centered on marketing
I work with Duane and have read it. That's why I posted the link. Based on what it is, not what "it sounds like."
No Refunds No Returns
Well, all I had to go on was the title and the reviews, since you didn't post any text in you answer.
+1  A: 

You can take a look at www.janeandrobot.com, it is a website that vanessa fox (started google's webmaster central, and created the sitemap protocol) and I started to provide more prescriptive guidance to developers about the impact of different design decisions on search engines. I work at Microsoft as a technical evangelist for Bing (our search engine). On the bright side, you don't have to buy anything, but on the down side, we haven't covered every topic yet.

I would generally recommend going directly to the search engines for this type of guidance, as there is often a lot of mis-information out there on SEO and best practices. You should check out Google Webmaster Center, Google Webmaster Blog, Matt Cutt's Blog, Vanessa Fox's Blog, Bing Webmaster Center, and the Bing Webmaster Forum. I would have provided links but stackoverflow thinks I'm spam. A simple search for each of these in your favorite engine (bing?) will lead you directly to them.

Nathan Buggia