



Following on from my previous question, I was wondering if anyone knew of any free (as in beer, as in freedom would be nice but not essential) math(s) parsing libraries for Java. I found one called Jep which used to be open-source (ie: written by the community), but now costs $300 upwards (is this even legal?).

Any help appreciated!


I may just be daft but isn’t the old, GPL’ed Jep still available as open source?

Konrad Rudolph
So it seems. Wasn't convinced it was complete, but I'll have another look. Thanks!
Tom R
+1  A: 

You can try the math expression parser from my Symja project.

+1  A: 

You may find my math expression evaluator useful; it's completely free and it's tiny.

Software Monkey
(of topic) Shhhh, it is suppose to be a secret. I like it this way. I about 2k I'll start my 3rd one. ;)