



      $show_value   = 123;
      echo 'sing_quote'.$show_value;
      echo "double_quote{$show_value}";


Its opcode is:

1: <?php
2: $show_value   = 123;
        0  ASSIGN              !0, 123
3: echo 'sing_quote'.$show_value;
        1  CONCAT              'sing_quote', !0 =>RES[~1]     
        2  ECHO                ~1
4: echo "double_quote{$show_value}";
        3  ADD_STRING          'double_quote' =>RES[~2]     
        4  ADD_VAR             ~2, !0 =>RES[~2]     
        5  ECHO                ~2
        6  RETURN              1
+2  A: 

Check out the Vulcan Logic Disassembler PECL extension - see author's home page for more info.

The Vulcan Logic Disassembler hooks into the Zend Engine and dumps all the opcodes (execution units) of a script. It was written as as a beginning of an encoder, but I never got the time for that. It can be used to see what is going on in the Zend Engine.

Once installed, you can use it like this:

php -d vld.active=1 -d vld.execute=0 -f yourscript.php

See also this interesting blog post on opcode extraction, and a list of opcodes with many demonstrative samples.

Paul Dixon