



WPF Window C# app VS2008

I have This data Table

  • ID Name Check

  • 1 AB a

  • 2 AA a
  • 3 AC a
  • 4 AD b
  • 5 BA c
  • 6 BB b

what iam trying is to bind my ComboBox On Conditions let say i have few Radio Buttons let say 3

radiobutton-a radiobutton-b radiobutton-c

what i was doing before was filling the combobox.items.add(DataTable.Rows.[i]["Name"]); on the radios checks

this was only bringing Text or say only Diplayed Text.

what i was trying is on the above radios clicks my combo should fill with text as well as with related values using the above DataTable

So, can some 1 help me in this