



The purpose of the code below is to determine if a particular date qualifies as a "weekend" i.e after 12:00 PM on Thursday, minimum 2 days and before Monday 12:00 PM

Is there a better way? If-Else turns ugly and the Strategy pattern is way too much work for this.

public bool ValidateWeekend(DateTime pickupDate, DateTime dropoffDate)
        TimeSpan ts = dropoffDate.Subtract(pickupDate);

        if (ts.TotalDays >= 2 && ts.TotalDays <= 4)
            switch (pickupDate.DayOfWeek)
                case DayOfWeek.Thursday:
                    if (pickupDate.Hour >= 12)
                        switch (dropoffDate.DayOfWeek)
                            case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
                                return true;
                            case DayOfWeek.Monday:
                                if (dropoffDate.Hour <= 12)
                                    return true;
                                return false;
                case DayOfWeek.Friday:
                    switch (dropoffDate.DayOfWeek)
                        case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
                            return true;
                        case DayOfWeek.Monday:
                            if (dropoffDate.Hour <= 12)
                                return true;
                            return false;
                case DayOfWeek.Saturday:
                    switch (dropoffDate.DayOfWeek)
                        case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
                            return true;
                        case DayOfWeek.Monday:
                            if (dropoffDate.Hour <= 12)
                                return true;
                            return false;
                    return false;
        return false;
+3  A: 

I think you could extract a method here:

private bool ValidateDropoff(DateTime dropoffDate)
    switch (dropoffDate.DayOfWeek)
        case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
           return true;
        case DayOfWeek.Monday:
           return dropoffDate.Hour <= 12;
           return false;
bruno conde
You need a 'return false;' at the end; otherwise, not every path will return a value. Alternatively, just move the 'return false;' you have outside the switch.
@Gorpik, the default case takes care of this. Every path will in fact return a value.
bruno conde
Should not Saturday be a case in this code? Please let me know will this code work in case PickUpDate: Thursday 1300 Hr and Drop Date: Saturday 1400 Hr?
+1  A: 
if (ts.TotalDays >= 2 && ts.TotalDays <= 4)
    var hour_limit = new Func<Boolean>(() => {
     switch (dropoffDate.DayOfWeek)
      case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
       return true;
      case DayOfWeek.Monday:
       return dropoffDate.Hour <= 12;
       return false;


    switch (pickupDate.DayOfWeek)
        case DayOfWeek.Thursday:
            if (pickupDate.Hour >= 12)  return hour_limit();
        case DayOfWeek.Friday:
        case DayOfWeek.Saturday:
            return hour_limit();

return false;

Not much clearer, but here you go:

public bool ValidateWeekend(DateTime pickupDate, DateTime dropoffDate){
    TimeSpan ts = dropoffDate.Subtract(pickupDate);

    if (ts.TotalDays >= 2 && ts.TotalDays <= 4){
        switch (pickupDate.DayOfWeek){
            case DayOfWeek.Thursday:
                if (pickupDate.Hour >= 12){
                    switch (dropoffDate.DayOfWeek){
                        case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
                            return true;
                        case DayOfWeek.Monday:
                            return dropoffDate.Hour <= 12;
            case DayOfWeek.Friday:
                switch (dropoffDate.DayOfWeek){
                    case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
                        return true;
                    case DayOfWeek.Monday:
                        return dropoffDate.Hour <= 12;
            case DayOfWeek.Saturday:
                switch (dropoffDate.DayOfWeek){
                    case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
                        return true;
                    case DayOfWeek.Monday:
                        return dropoffDate.Hour <= 12;
                return false;
    return false;
Mick Walker
+4  A: 

You definitely should refactor the dropoffDate out - because the code is duplicated 3 times! The simplest cleanup: I would introduce a function to check the pickupDate and another to check the dropoffDate:

private bool IsPickupWeekend(DateTime pickupDate)
    switch (pickupDate.DayOfWeek)
                case DayOfWeek.Thursday:
                    return pickupDate.Hour >= 12;
                case DayOfWeek.Friday:                    
                case DayOfWeek.Saturday:
                    return true;
        return false;

private bool IsWeekendDropOff(DateTime dropoffDate)
    switch (dropoffDate.DayOfWeek)
                        case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
                            return true;
                        case DayOfWeek.Monday:
                            if (dropoffDate.Hour <= 12)
                                return true;
                            return false;
                    return false;


And now your main funtion is a 2 liner:

if (ts.TotalDays >= 2 && ts.TotalDays <= 4)
    return IsPickupWeekend(pickupDate) && IsWeekendDropOff(dropoffDate);
Pretty sure this will check for 12 AM not 12 PM
@Grzenio: Should not IsWeekendDropOff function have Saturday as the day for Drop OFf? Considering PickUpDate is 1300 Hr on Thursday then Drop Date can be Saturday 1400 Hr.
See specifically "The hour component, expressed as a value between 0 and 23"
@James 12AM = 0, 12PM = 12. This code checks for 12PM
Stan R.
12 PM as mentioned in question is 12 noon i.e in the clock of 0-23 it is it is 12 so should not Saturday be considered a day for DropOff?
I have just copied the bits of code from the question - the author asked only to provide a "less ugly" version - so I assume the code in the question works "correctly".
@Stan my mistake I read it wrong.

My first crack:

if (ts.TotalDays >= 2 && ts.TotalDays <= 4)
            switch (pickupDate.DayOfWeek)
                case DayOfWeek.Thursday:
                case DayOfWeek.Friday:
                case DayOfWeek.Saturday:
                    if (pickupDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Thursday && pickupDate.Hour <= 12)
                        return false;

                    switch (dropoffDate.DayOfWeek)
                        case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
                            return true;
                        case DayOfWeek.Monday:
                            return dropoffDate.Hour <= 12;
                    return false;

                    return false;
        return false;

in the switch try

retrun (dropoffDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday && dropoffDate.Hour <= 12 || dropoffDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)

I would do it something like this

public bool ValidateWeekend(DateTime pickupDate, DateTime dropoffDate)
    TimeSpan ts = dropoffDate.Subtract(pickupDate);

    if (ts.TotalDays >= 2 && ts.TotalDays <= 4)
        switch (pickupDate.DayOfWeek)
            case DayOfWeek.Thursday:
                if (pickupDate.Hour >= 12)
                    reurn DayOfWeek(dropOffDate.DayOfWeek);
            case DayOfWeek.Friday, DayOfWeek.Saturday:
                    return DayOfWeek(dropOffDate.DayOfWeek);
    return false;

public bool DayOfWeek(DateTime dropOffDate)
switch (dropoffDate.DayOfWeek)
  case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
    return true;
  case DayOfWeek.Monday:
             if (dropoffDate.Hour <= 12)
                        return true;
                return false;
       return false;
Sean Barlow

Here is my stab at it:

  /// <summary>
    /// Gets the weekend days.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public List<DayOfWeek> GetWeekendDays()
        List<DayOfWeek> days = new List<DayOfWeek>()
        return days;

    /// <summary>
    /// Validates the weekend.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pickupDate">The pickup date.</param>
    /// <param name="dropoffDate">The dropoff date.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool ValidateWeekend(DateTime pickupDate, DateTime dropoffDate)
        bool isValid = false;
        TimeSpan ts = dropoffDate.Subtract(pickupDate);

        if (ts.TotalDays >= 2 && ts.TotalDays <= 4)
            List<DayOfWeek> days = GetWeekendDays();

            foreach (DayOfWeek day in days)
                if(pickupDate.DayOfWeek == day)
                   isValid = ValidateDropOff(dropoffDate);

        return isValid;

    /// <summary>
    /// Validates the drop off.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dropoffDate">The dropoff date.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static bool ValidateDropOff(DateTime dropoffDate)
        bool isValidDropOff = (dropoffDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday);

        if(dropoffDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday)
            if (dropoffDate.Hour <= 12)
                isValidDropOff = true;

        return isValidDropOff;
Chuck Conway