




I want to apply web.config modifications only on the webapplication i am installing my feature on and not all the web.configs of the farm. i am using SPWebService.ApplyWebConfigModifications , how can i do that? Help pls

+1  A: 

The feature you use to deploy the modifications should be web app scoped and should have a feature receiver, activating the feature on the desired web app only should do the trick.


public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
    using (SPSite site = ((SPSite)properties.Feature.Parent))

    SPWebApplication webApplication = site.WebApplication;
    // webApplication.WebConfigModifications.Clear();

    // do modifications, using the feature.GetType().FullName as the Owner


public override void FeatureDeactivating(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
    using (SPSite site = ((SPSite)properties.Feature.Parent))
        SPWebApplication webApplication = site.WebApplication;

        Collection entries = webApplication.WebConfigModifications;

        for (int i = entries.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            SPWebConfigModification entry = entries[i];
            if (entry.Owner == this.GetType().FullName)





In order to manage your current modifications without going directly in the SQL Server, use this file and copy it inside the folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\ADMIN and access it from http://centraladministration:PORT/_admin/webconfig.aspx

Original sources TheKid blog and Harmjan Greving’s Blog

ok, i used the above, the main problem is that my feature was scoped "farm", and on featureactivated a new line was added to web.config. Now everytime i install any feature, this line is always added to the web.config. I completely removed the feature, i even made a completely new feature with a new featureid (web app scoped) and still everytime i activate a feature, the same old line of the old (deleted) farm feature is added to all the web.configs.This is crazy, how to cancel this thing, plsssss help.
When you add a WebConfigModification is lives in the Content Database, you need to use the WebConfig Modifications 'manager' created by Vincent Rothwell, I'll edit my post to reflect the new info.

ok, the main problem is that my feature was scoped "farm", and on featureactivated a new line was added to web.config. Now everytime i install any feature, this line is always added to the web.config. I completely removed the feature, i even made a completely new feature with a new featureid (web app scoped) and still everytime i activate a feature, the same old line of the old (deleted) farm feature is added to all the web.configs.

This is crazy, how to cancel this thing, plsssss help.
