



A good friend of mine had a stroke yesterday. It would be a terrible situation even if he weren't a freelancer with no health insurance: he's now looking at the near-certainty of bankruptcy and the strong probability of homelessness in addition to being disabled. Two years ago, another friend of mine, who'd been battling breast cancer, ran out of money about six months before she ran out of life.

I'm seeing this sort of situation happen with greater and greater frequency. It's occurring to me that there are a lot of people in my age cohort (I'm 47) who are one crisis away from being seriously in need. (I'm one. If you're a middle-aged freelancer in the US, you probably are too.)

Every time this has happened, the response in the online communities I'm in has been similar: people want to help but don't know how, and eventually, someone steps forward and agrees to collect donations, consolidate them, and funnel them to the person in need. I've seen this particular wheel be reinvented three times in the last two years.

It seems clear to me that this is a problem space that a good web-based system could be a great help in. But I haven't been able to find one. What I've been able to find are systems that support non-profit organizations' fund-raising efforts. There are a lot of reasons these systems aren't very useful for the situations I've seen, which (to use the buzzwords) have been as much about social networking as it is about e-commerce.

Before I decide to put all of my silly hobby projects aside and turn my attention to this problem, I'd like to be sure that I'm not reinventing the wheel myself.

Does anyone know of a web site or web application that supports the task of collecting and disbursing donations to individuals in need?

+2  A: 

PayPal has tools for this.

+1  A: 

Right now I have seen two situations used.

PayPal donate buttons


SmartyPig savings accounts, public contributions allowed

Mitchel Sellers

Check, that's exactly what it's for.

Bill K

I've seen ChipIn used successfully for raising money for a family in need with large medical expenses when their young daughter was diagnosed with leukemia.

Travis B. Hartwell

Yes, there is a webste to support donations to individuals in need. It is called

Here is How it Works 1. First, create a Free User Account 2. State your reasons why you are looking for donations. 3. Visitors will read your profile and choose if they want to make a donation to you.

The Purpose If you happen to find yourself in a position of financial difficulty, you may be able to receive donations. There happens to be some generous people out there who would give you a donation.

You do not have to be "Totally" Desperate to become a Site Member. It's just the name of this website.

In fact, Site Members do not have to receive donations. They can be contributors too. All Site Members have the option to either Accept or Not to Accept donations.

Accepting Donations Site Members can accept personal donations through both Paypal and Tipjoy. Donations made at this website are processed directly through those services. A Paypal or Tipjoy account is not required at this time to Create a User Account. You can update this information at a later time.

This website does not profit from any donations made to its site members.



I want to get free from my debts any body help me to get out of this position? You may directly pay cash to the Bank/ financial Institution if you think so.

Ujjal [email protected]