



It seems that the out of the box approve/reject buttons in SharePoint CMS try to direct you to an InfoPath form. We have implemented custom .aspx pages that we use for our workflow approval process and would like it to show these when a user clicks the buttons.

Currently we get an error that the formURN cannot be found.

Can I affect the url that is shown when the approve/reject buttons are clicked


Can I hide those buttons and provide my own buttons/functionality for that purpose

Thanks for any suggestions


I don't think that you can easily modify the behavior of the approve/reject button (I might be wrong on this though) but you could create a custom action that would appear in the drop-down menu of the list item and that you would use to approve / reject items (instead of the original approve / reject button).

Here is the MSDN page on how to add custom actions to a SharePoint menu.

Lots of useful informations about it here as well.

Hugo Migneron

Take a look at the quickaccess.xml file located here:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\EditingMenu\

Find the id of the button you would like to hide.

Then in moss > Master Page Gallery > Editing Menu

Download and edit your customquickaccess.xml and add the following to delete buttons, for example for the approve button add:

inside the node. Then upload to replace, publish and approve.


Quick Access Controls the page Editing Tool not the, forms of the Tasks that he is talking about.