i am developing tab button as user control, how can i make it to behave as radiobutton. "When the user selects one option button (also known as a radio button) within a group, the others clear automatically". thank you.
Why the downvote?
2009-11-27 19:43:45
Because your answer makes no sense. What javascript? The question is not even about the web.
2009-11-27 19:48:55
It makes fine sense if this is ASP.NET. He hasn't specified, but there is nothing in his question that would indicate it isn't.
2009-11-27 19:50:35
Downvote is not appropriate in this case.
Mike C.
2009-11-27 19:52:23
obviously you need a container for the button, and whenever a usercontrol is selected, fire the event to container, and container deselect the other usercontrol
2009-11-27 19:42:37
Say your custom Tab button Control is named MyTabButton
Override and implement Equals, and
then in the Click event handler in your custom control class,
if (this.Checked)
foreach(Control myBut in Parent.Controls)
if (myBut is MyTabButton && !myBut.Equals(this))
myBut.Checked = false;
Charles Bretana
2009-11-27 19:43:42
Need more information as to if this is WindowsForms, WPF, ASP.NET etc.. but
If it is WPF I have written a post that explains my approach to solving this problem: Grouping and Checkboxes in WPF
2009-11-27 19:50:10