




Hi Guyz!

I'm trying to print a record in vb.net(vb2008 express edition) and what I'm familiar with printing was using data report way back when i was in vb6.0 but when i moved to vb.net lately i heard about using crystal report but im not familiar with it so i don't really know how to start with.I know it sounds like im depending too much but what im just trying to ask is a little favor just to give me a brief heads up to start with it in a first place and i'll do the rest. For example,I would like to print a line of text which is "I'm a sweet lover". Please give me a complete procedures on how to start with it in setting these all up using crystal report which detects the default printer as well as its simple codes which corresponds to it.

I would really appreciate if you could give me a brief heads up to start with it...


have a look at this tutorial:

