



Hi. Can someone please tell me if I'm missing something here? I am trying the following commands in shell.

$ ./adb shell stop $ ./adb shell setprop dalvik.vm.checkjni true $ ./adb shell start

But Logcat always shows "CheckJNI is OFF" when I install the apk onto the device.. Is there something else in eclipse that I need to do to enable the XCheck:Jni flag?

Thanks for any help BD

+1  A: 

fadden said:

That should work on a rooted device or the emulator (use "adb root" or "su" on a userdebug build -- if start/stop are working, you're already there).

Non-root users are not allowed to change system properties that don't start with "log." or "debug.". You can verify that your change took with "adb shell getprop dalvik.vm.checkjni".

Elliott Hughes