



I have not really used JavaScript before but I am trying to validate form elements as they are being filled out. I have an X and a Check mark that I am trying to display next to the field to show if it is valid or not. I know that this is partially right because I can use an alert but I am not sure how to alter the fields of the graphics.

The JavaScript:

function validate_field(field)
    var value = document.newAccount.fname;
    if (value==null||value=="")
     document.fnameX.visibility = visible;
     document.fnameOK.visibility = hidden;
       return false;
     document.fnameX.visibility = hidden;
     document.fnameOK.visibility = visible;
      return true;

Some of the HTML:

  <form action="XXXXX" method="post" name="newAccount">

    <table width="78%" border="0" align="center">
         <td colspan="2"><strong>Personal Info:</strong> </td>
            <td width="24%"><div align="right">First Name: </div></td>
            <td width="76%">
              <input type="text" onchange="return validate_field(this)"  onfocus="return validate_field(this)" name="fname" tabindex="1" size="50"/> 
           <img name="fnameX" src="redx.jpg" style="visibility:hidden" alt="X" width="18" height="18" /><img name="fnameOK" src="checkmark.jpg" style="visibility:hidden"  alt="Ok" width="18" height="18" /></td>
            <td><div align="right">Last Name: </div></td>
            <td><input type="text" name="lname" tabindex="2" size="50"/></td>
+1  A: 

Your probably better off using CSS classes for something like this.

     /*or whatever the width of your graphic is*/
     background:url('checkmark.jpg') center right no-repeat; 
     /*remember that the url is relative to the stylesheet*/

     background:url('redx.jpg') center right no-repeat; 

Then your validate function becomes:

function validate_field(field)
    var value = field.value;
    if (value==null||value=="")
       field.parentNode.className = 'invalid';
       return false;
       field.parentNode.className = 'valid';
       return true;


Remember to keep accessibility in mind, and that unless you are using an alert or making notifications accessible using ARIA attributes users with assistive devices are going to have a tough time with your form.


Here is a working example from your code where I change the background color of the parent table cell of the form input.


And here is an example where I got rid of those not so nice layout tables and replaced them with a fieldset, and modified the Javascript a little bit. If you aren't familiar with jsbin you can append /edit to the url to see/modify the code, like so.

Ryan Lynch
Thanks!!! Works great!
Josh Curren
Sure thing. If you are having trouble with the Javascript you might want to look into jQuery or a similar library. Using jQuery doesn't mean you don't need to know your way around the DOM, but it makes simple manipulation like this more straightforward and powerful.
Ryan Lynch
Ok. I will take a look at that. Thanks!
Josh Curren