I know the following is possible with linq2db4o
from Apple a in db
where a.Color.Equals(Colors.Green)
select a
What I need however is something that allows me to build my query conditionally (like I can in other linq variants)
public IEnumerable<Apple> SearchApples (AppleSearchbag bag){
var q = db.Apples;
if(bag.Color != null){
q = q.Where(a=>a.Color.Equals(bag.Color));
return q.AsEnumerable();
In a real world situation the searchbag will hold many properties and building a giant if-tree that catches all possible combinations of filled in properties would be madman's work.
It is possible to first call
var q = (from Color c in db select c);
and then continue from there. but this is not exactly what I'm looking for.
Disclaimer: near duplicate of my question of nearly 11 months ago.
This one's a bit more clear as I understand the matter better now and I hope by now some of the db4o dev eyes could catch this on this:
Any suggestions?