




I'm trying to order the values in a related table using LINQ to SQL.

I have 2 tables. Menu and MenuSection. They are related one to many on Menu.MenuId == MenuSection.MenuId

Currently, I'm pulling this information using the following query

var menus = from m in _context.Menus                        
                    select m;

This gets fed into an ASP.NET MVC page and works fine.

I'd like to be able to sort the data the column MenuSection.Order

I've tried doing this:

var menus = from m in _context.Menus 
                join ms in _context.MenuSections on m.MenuId equals ms.MenuId
                orderby ms.Order ascending select m;

But it's bringing back a set of data that is incorrect. It displays repeated Menu information.

EDIT: To clarify what i'm expecting the data shoud be:

There are x Menu's in Menu.

Each Menu has many MenuSection's

I'd like to list out each Menu and their related MenuSection. The MenuSections need to be in order based on MenuSection.Order

Menu 1
- MenuSection 1, Order = 1
- MenuSection 3, Order = 2
Menu 2
- MenuSection 4, Order = 1
- MenuSection 2, Order = 2
+1  A: 

have you tried something like this? ...

var menus = (from m in _context.Menus
            join ms in _context.MenuSections on m.MenuId equals ms.MenuId
            orderby ms.Order ascending select m).Distinct();

or maybe this...

var menus = (from m in _context.Menus
            join ms in _context.MenuSections on m.MenuId equals ms.MenuId
            select new {m, ms.Order})
            .OrderBy(x => x.Order)
            .Select(x => x.m)

In that second case, you're projecting the sort column into a new type, sorting on it, then selecting just the original object, and distincting on that.

Scott Ivey
just tried it and the MenuSections still isnt being ordered
+2  A: 

Round 3: That last revision to the question clarifies it a lot. It sounds like what you really need is a group-by. Those are harder to get right without the IntelliSense but I'll try my best:

var groupings =
 from m in _context.Menus
 orderby m.Foo
 from ms in m.MenuSections
 orderby ms.Order
 group ms by m;

foreach (var group in groupings)
 Menu menu = group.Key;
 // use the Menu

 foreach (MenuSection ms in group)
  // use the MenuSection

Now I added an extra orderby m.Foo where Foo is some property that I think you might want on Menu. Otherwise you aren't guaranteed to know the order of the top level menus.

Also note what I was saying earlier that the m.MenuSections is really a helper that is similar to from ms in _context.MenuSections where ms.MenuId == m.MenuId.

thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, either don't work.for the first one, "let order = m.MenuSection.Order" isn't valid. m.MenuSections is available but you can't directly reference the Order column. The same goes for the second query. ms.Order can't be referenced.
Ahh OK, that means that my original understanding of the question was backwards. You have **one** Menu to **many** MenuSections. I'll add a different query for that scenario. Now I'm a little confused at how you are wanting to display this. Are you expecting the menu to be repeated for each MenuSection it is in?
just updated the main question. Your second answer does not work as it displays repeated Menu's. Thanks for your help on this so far too
That makes more sense. So MenuSection is like a MenuItem? I'll update my answer as I think you are probably going to want a GroupBy. How do you want to sort the Menus themselves?
Hi, apologies for the delay in replying. Your solution worked and I'll mark it as the answer. Thanks for your help on this one. :)

Just an FYI, I did manage to make this work by sorting as I performed the output.

My original intention was to have a presorted data set to work with.

Here is an example of what I meant:

var menus = from m in _context.Menus select m;

foreach (var menu in menus)
     foreach (var menuSection in menu.MenuSections.OrderBy(o => o.Order))
          Console.WriteLine("\t" + menuSection.Name + ", " + menuSection.Order);