




The documentation says:


However, on my mac there is no such folder anywhere. Or can't I just see these with Finder? If so what Tools do I need to take a lookt at them? I'm just very interested to see these headers. Just for fun.


Do you have XCode/SDK installed? If not - register at http://developer.apple.com and get them.

Yep, I have all of them installed. But can't find it anyways...
Another Registered User

Not sure what "documentation" you're looking at, but the header files for the system frameworks can be found under their containing frameworks at /System/Library/Frameworks. So NSObject.h resides at /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/NSObject.h.

Edit: I just checked both my machines (Tiger and Snow Leopard), and they both have /usr/include/objc/ also. So not sure why you don't.

Dewayne Christensen

The folder exists and is indeed hidden from the Finder. You can show it if you know what you're doing, but it can also lead to problems if you ever accidentally delete or move something in the /usr hierarchy. Instead, use a terminal if you want to read the headers.

You can open objc.h in XCode by jumping to the definition of id, SEL or Class (in a source file, cmd-doubleclick the name or right-click it & choose "Jump to definition"; with id, then click "typedef id").

+1  A: 

In Finder, press shift-cmd-G and type /usr/include/objc

Or you could go to the "Go" menu in Finder and select "Go to Folder..."

It's a hidden folder.
