




Not the source codes, thats the only thing i seem to find. I can't install py2.6 because it would overtake 2.5 and cause mayor mess in my pc.

+8  A: 

How would it overtake 2.5? You can install both in parallel, just make sure that you unselect the option to "Register Extensions" during the install of 2.6.

I have several Python installations on my PC in parallel, one of them my "standard" one that I expect to run when I doubleclick on a .py file, and the other one to invoke manually if I need it.

I have found, though, that sometimes file associations are lost completely after installing a new version without the "Register Extensions" option set. In that case just run a "repair installation" with your preferred standard version, and you should be good to go.

Tim Pietzcker
This is exactly what I have found.
i just checked, there's no file association option in the installer
Gabriele Cirulli
We're talking about the Windows installer? I just checked, the option is in fact called "Register Extensions". I will edit my post accordingly.
Tim Pietzcker
+2  A: 

I have Pythons 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, and 3.1 all installed on my PC. Download the .msi from python.org, and install it.

Ned Batchelder
How do you get your scripts to run on the correct interpreter? I stopped working with 2.5 but would love to run those old programs before porting them over to 3.1.
Noctis Skytower
One of them is the one registered as handling .py files, so I can just run those directly. If I need to use a specific version, I start a new command shell, set the PATH to point to the proper Python version, then use "python myprog.py" to run it explicitly.
Ned Batchelder
or you can do it in the SAME command window by typing (for example) `\python21\python myprog.py`
John Machin
Yes, I use a new cmd window because usually when I have to change Python versions, I also need to make other changes, the Python path for example, or environment variables for django settings, whatever. I've just gotten in the habit of starting new cmds for new environments.
Ned Batchelder