





I have a Java service that has the following method signature:

       @WebMethod(operationName = "getContactList")
        public MyListClass getContactList(@WebParam(name = "myList") MyListClass myList) throws IllegalArgumentException {
                return myList;

public class MyListClass implements Serializable{
List<ContactOD> innerList;

    public List<ContactOD> getInnerList() {
        if(innerList == null){
            innerList = new ArrayList<ContactOD>();
        return innerList;

    public void setInnerList(List<ContactOD> innerList) {
        this.innerList = innerList;


When i generate the proxy in C# for this Java service, i get the method signature like this:

   public ContactOD[]  getContactList(ContactOD[] myList)

I see nowhere in my generated proxy MyListClass that wraps this List<ContactOD> .

What do i need to do to the java web service or to the C# generation of proxy so i can see in the proxy class the method like this:

public MyListClass getContactList(MyListClass myList)

Thank you so much, Adriana

+1  A: 

The proxy generator within Visual Studio will not directly map Java List to C# List instead it is treating it as an array. The easiest thing to do on the C# side, if you wish to work with Generic collections is to simply use List elsewhere and then create to/from T[] when using the web service method.


List<ContactOD> contacts = new List<ContactOD>();
contacts.Add(New ContactOD("Tim", "0123456789"));
List<ContactOD> returnValue = new List<ContactOD>(ProxyHolder.getContactList(contacts.ToArray());
Yes i noticed that, but my list is wrapped in another class (MyListClass). I want to see that class also in proxy, and the method signature to be like one in java.C# see that the list is wrapped and only show me the content of MyListClass which is array of ContactOD.

When you generate the WCF proxy, you can choose what collection type to use.

From the command-line, the appropriate option is /collection:"<type>" where is the fully-qualified type name.

From the Add Service Reference UI, there is a drop-down under the advanced options.

Problem is that i don't see MyListClass at generation and instead i see array of ContactOD (the content of the class)