



Is there an easy procedure to build an RPM.If so Please explain or provide the link.........

My requirement is very simple ..

I have two other RPMs which should be combined into one single RPM....

Please explain the process....

Thanks in advance..........


Not sure what the problem is; if you've already got two RPMs, why do you need to make them into 1 rpm? Why not just use a shell script to install them both at the same time?

The RPM command will take multiple arguments, so for example:

rpm -ivh one.rpm two.rpm three.rpm

Will install one, followed by two, followed by three.

Otherwise, from what I know, you're going to have to build the packages first, and then build them into an RPM, at which point you will have a custom RPM that will have to be manually updated every time one of the component packages changes. Yuck.

+2  A: 

Building an RPM itself is rather easy, you just need to run

rpmbuild -ba <mypackage.spec>

The more complex task is creating the .spec file, which controls how the rpm itself is built. A good explanation is the book Maximum RPM, which is available on the rpm homepage. Creating a .spec file is handled here. From my own experience building a .spec file is something that's not easy -- but not too complicated either unless you want to make special things. The standard ./configure && make && make install is usually not too complicated.
