I have an XForm survey. I'd like to keep the questions in a separate xf:instance of the same model from the xf:instance that collects the answers. In one instance, a group containing 10 questions. In a second instance, a group to hold the 10 answers. The second instance will be submitted. So, this is similiar to a join between two lists.
I've tried using logic like the following:
<xf:output ref="instance('questions')/question[position()]/@text"></xf:output>
but that position() is always returning 1, because the context is of the questions xf:instance. Using the index('current-repeater') updates all 10 displayed questions to be the question at the index of the most recently focused repeat iteration.
Is there a way to use a temporary variable in the xpath to accomplish this? I've tried various uses of $variables and even:
<xf:output ref="instance('questions')/question[position() = (count(current()/preceding-sibling::*) + 1)]/@text"></xf:output>