



Hi All,

Do any of you have any good links that you could share with me? I am looking for a FAST programmers editor that can open a file containing over 100, 000 lines of code really fast? i'm currently using notepad atm and its taking a good 8 seconds to open a file that is 29000 lines long :(

i would prefer something that is just like notepad.

and yes, i have tried everything that i've found on google and they all either have splash screens, or they are just too slow. i don't want to wait 8 seconds just to add a line or two. or just to check what number the last array is etc...

thanks & regards


+7  A: 

You could always try vi / vim

As much as I like vim, I'm pretty sure it fails the "must be just like notepad" requirement.
Greg Hewgill
And it fails "simple." I'll use vim for the rest of my life, but I would never call it simple.
+1 for vi, once you are used to vi/vim you dont look or any other editor.
Learning curve is steep but completely worth it after the first week. I never looked back.
And you must like pink if you use the standard configuration :-S
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
Are you insane? yes vim rocks, but it's the *wrong* answer to this question
hasen j
+3  A: 

Textpad is what I've used for years. It's cheap, light-weight, yet very functional.

It does have a splash by default, however, that can be disabled in the options.

levi rosol
+14  A: 

Have you had a look at Notepad++.

I use this editor extensively and have been very impressed thus far.

+7  A: 

Have you tried Sublime Text? I just tried it with 100,000 line file where each line contained 'x' * 80, and it only took about a second.

Personally I use jed, which is a lightweight emacs clone, but it's probably not to everyone's taste. (In particular, it doesn't really feel like a Windows application - it doesn't have the normal keyboard shortcuts etc. Once you're used to it, it's very quick though...)

Jon Skeet
thanks @Jon, sublime's doin pretty well. just installed it and opened a 1k-line file and it opened within a sec or two :D. as for jed, i think i'd kinda miss all the cute little windows icons after a while hehehehe :D
+1 I'm jed fan too. (However, emacs is already very fast with today's computers)
+7  A: 

check out

Programmer's notepad

That one looks sweet.
ohh yay! i gots me a keeper! thanks Kamal :D works great

Nobody mentioned Emacs yet?

I use it on the PC i'm on now without trouble (and the beast has 256Megs of RAM..)

emacs is just like notepad?
and it opens a large file in no time? (Without asking if you are really sure? ;-))
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
it all depends on your .emacs file. Is Vim really that much faster?
+1  A: 

TextMate if you use Mac

thanks david, textmate looks pretty cool. wish i had a mac :P
Huge files of the nature that OP is talking about are *not* TextMate's strong suit.
I agree with Ben, i use Textmate all the time but Vi for large file manipulation as TM gags on them.
+2  A: 

Cream. It's Vim, but with sane keyboard bindings.

Joonas Pulakka

In the linux world GEdit and Kate fits most needs.

+1  A: 

I just ran a test of the Zeus programmer's editor and it loaded a 100,000 line C/C++ file in less than a second.


Try PilotEdit, you can edit a huge file with PilotEdit easily.

+1  A: 

I am wondering why no one hasn't mentioned SciTE yet... its one of the best code editors, with source code coloring support (don't know if that's the correct term for it), and lots other features...

you can also try Notepad2, such as good replacement for notepad itself, extending it to be good enough as a code/simple programmer's editor...


EmEditor is pretty much the fastest text editor I've ever used for large files. (and a VERY impressive start up time)


Notepad++ has code coloring for almost every language.

Dreamweaver is great to use purely as a text editor/FTP tool if you're doing web stuff.

Lotus Notes