



I am trying to find a name within a key. I think it is retrieving it fine. however, its coming up as not found. maybe my code is wrong somewhere?

if (database.retrieve(name, aData))  // both contain the match

in main()

static void retrieveItem(char *name, data& aData)
cout << ">>> retrieve " << name << endl << endl;
if (database.retrieve(name, aData))            // name and aData both contain the match
 cout << aData << endl;
 cout << "not found\n";
cout << endl;

     static void removeItem(char *name)
cout << ">>> remove " << name << endl << endl;
if (database.remove(name))
 cout << name << " removed\n";
 cout << name << " not found\n";
cout << endl;

   int main()
   #ifdef _WIN32
// request memory leak report in Output Window after main returns

data aData;

  << "Database Of Great Computer Scientists\n\n";

database.insert(data("Ralston, Anthony"));
database.insert(data("Liang, Li"));
database.insert(data("Jones, Doug"));
database.insert(data("Goble, Colin"));
database.insert(data("Knuth, Donald"));
database.insert(data("Kay, Alan"));
database.insert(data("Von Neumann, John"));
database.insert(data("Trigoboff, Michael"));
database.insert(data("Turing, Alan"));
retrieveItem("Trigoboff, Michael", aData);
retrieveItem("Kaye, Danny", aData);

removeItem("Ralston, Anthony");

retrieve function...

bool BST::retrieve(const char *key, data &aData, int parent) const

for(int index=0; index < maxsize+1; index++)

 if (!items[index].empty) 

  if ( items[index].instanceData == key )
   return true;                   // doesn't return right away




and defined in data.cpp

bool operator== (const data& d1, const data& d2)

return strcmp(d1.getName(), d2.getName()) == 0;


so this bit of code inside main() is where it says not found when i think it should be working correctly. both name and aData contain the right name that was found..

static void retrieveItem(char *name, data& aData)
cout << ">>> retrieve " << name << endl << endl;
if (database.retrieve(name, aData))            // name and aData both contain the match
 cout << aData << endl;
 cout << "not found\n";
cout << endl;

I'm no C++ expert, but is your == operator actually being evaluated? It's meant to take two const data references, but you appear to be comparing whatever the type of items[index].instanceData is and a char*.

I suggest you put some logging into the operator and see if it's actually being called - I suspect it's not.

One option to take the == operator out of the equation temporarily would be to make the comparison explicit:

 if (strcmp(items[index].instanceData.getName(), key) == 0)

On another point, I can't see how this is actually doing a binary search at all. It looks to me like it's just a plain list - you're doing a linear search within retrieve instead of comparing the key and going left or right down the tree (or returning "found") depending on the result.

Jon Skeet
Of course it is being evaluated. this line if ( items[index].instanceData == key )fires that function.
Jon Skeet
(I'd also suggest that given that you don't know why your code isn't working, pretty much *nothing* should be dismissed with an "of course" response. Clearly *something* isn't working as you expect it to...)
Jon Skeet
It is a binary search tree however i am not doing a binary search.
i set a break point inside the ==operator and after ( items[index].instanceData == key ) it goes there and im able to see if its making match.
I did what you suggested withif (strcmp(items[index].instanceData.getName(), key) == 0)inside retrieve and im getting the same results..
@Corey: Right, okay - so that's not it. So if you add logging within the ==, does it show it ever comparing the values which should be equal? You haven't shown any of the code for insert, so it's hard to know whether the data is really there... but if you log what comparisons are being performed (and the result) that should help.
Jon Skeet
Jon, thanks for your help.. I set a break point at if (strcmp(items[index].instanceData.getName(), key) == 0)instancedata contains the name im finding and so does not sure what you mean by logging?then it setsName and returns true..aData.setName(key);return true;
By "logging" I mean "writing out debugging information" - as you're already doing elsewhere. So if it's calling setName and returning true, what *isn't* it doing?
Jon Skeet
Everything seems to be working just fine. i don't gt it. inside main()if (database.retrieve(name, aData))if name and aData both contain the same name and it was returned true shouldnt it evaluate true?
Presumably "everything" does not seem to be working just fine, because otherwise you wouldn't have asked the question. So what *isn't* working fine? What are you actually seeing, and what would you expect to see? I'm afraid the last sentence in your previous comment didn't really make a lot of sense to me - partly because there are too many ambiguous "it" references. Please edit your original question to explain what you're observing.
Jon Skeet

I can't tell for sure without seeing the code for BST, but this looks wrong:

for(int index=0; index < maxsize+1; index++)

With the traditional conventions, it should be:

for(int index=0; index < maxsize; index++)

Beside that, it also seems your function either returns true or some undefined boolean. You should probably have a return false; at the end of BST::retrieve.

+1  A: 

You should be using the BST to navigate through the tree - not looping over each item in your array, like others have said. Try something like:

bool retrieve(key, aData)
  retrieve(key, aData, parent)
  if (key == aData)
    return true
    return false

bool retrieve(key, aData, parent)
  if (key == items[parent].name)
  else if (key < items[parent].name)
    retrieve(key, aData, 2*parent+1)
    retrieve(key, aData, 2*parent+2)

That should work well! :)
